Rivendell Acres is NO LONGER accepting breeding requests at this time.
Over 650 foals can't be wrong!
Bewitching (Arabian Stallion)
That's right, our stallions and mares have produced over 650 foals. Add your foal to this amazing list. Welcome to the premiere web site for model horse breeding. This is a web site for model horses only. Any real horses listed in the bloodlines are for educational/entertainment purposes only and are designated by an r. We have over 400 quality horses available with awesome pedigrees.
Proud member of IPABRA
Magnus (Freisian/Spanish Mustang mixed breed stallion)
Some of the photos used on the website are the property of Breyer Model Horse Registry (BMHR) and permission to use them here was granted by Steph Michel. BMHR website can be accessed at: http://www.bmhr.net/ These pictures are used for informational purposes only (so you can see each horse) and are not used for any other purpose.